Saturday, April 07, 2007
hmms lets see i havent updated in months! My blog is should be deemed as dead. anyway since its good friday and a public holiday, met up with lianne and jenna in town. Met up with lianne and we walked to far east to get chippy, then we realised that far east chippy is always burnt and besides i've got a major sore throat so we went to eat pastamania instead. i love the italian soda! freaking nice. Jenna then met up with us and we headed down to esplanade for max brenners suckao. After that, we decided to have a picturesque walk down city hall. we walked down from the esplanade to raffles city and i swear my heels were killing me. but it was totally worth the pain. 

the bridge near fullerton hotel. pretty!
she's licking the lamppost.
that's all for now. till then.
I'm giving you ATTITUDE /
- 7:54 PM